The Advocacy Magazine

Informational blogging website on #Gaming, #PCA, #Education, #Medicaid, #Social Security, #Teaching, #Teach, #Student, #Individualized Education Plan, #Apps, #Marketing, #Advertising, #Training, #Planning, #Steps, #Business, #Higher Education, #EdTech, #Community Colleges, College, #Technology, #Resume, #University, #Learning, #Jobs near me, #Classes, #E-learning, #Roleplay, #Vocational rehab, #Information, #Policy, #Request, #Contact, #Advice, #Consumer, #Coaching

“Winthrop Strong is a group of self-advocates committed to building bridges for inclusion within the disability community. We strongly believe that The Advocacy Magazine plays a critical role in bringing to the forefront the challenges around disability-related issues from around the country. With the magazine’s focus on presenting solutions and encouraging conversations with readers on a national basis, readers can unite behind the advocacy movement that will relieve the inequities that people with disabilities experience. The timeliness of the publication of this magazine will help to unify and educate people, and will give a voice to leaders in the disability community. Winthrop Strong will definitely use this media vehicle to learn and to educate.”
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Karla Murphy

Karla Murphy
Easter Seals Testimonies TBA

Desi Forte
Youth Program manger
Mass Families Organizing For Change

Mass Families Organizing for Change
PYD Support

Partners For Youth With Disabilities
Support our Mission to empower our community to change. Let us advocate for the best!

Andrew R Carr
Founder. Advocate